Refreshing, light and beautiful. Dress up an impromptu get-together or pool party with enhanced water.
When the heat hits, it's more critical than ever to remember to drink. Lots of folks fret over not drinking enough water, so here's a little "recipe" to entice people of all ages to hydrate just a little more!
A simple and attractive way to make an everyday element more tempting!
The Ingredients
crushed ice
64 ounces of fresh water or carbonated water (for each)
pineapple + orange + basil: 4 wedges of pineapple + 6 slices of oranges and a few sprigs of basil. Combine in a pitcher with water and let sit for 5 minutes. Top with ice and serve.
This thirst-quencher is especially attractive if you leave the pineapple skin on! So tropical...enjoy!